My content is of an adult nature. If you are under the age of 18, if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction, or if it offends you, please do not continue. By continuing on, you consent that it is legal for you to view this content.


FFXIV Photographer, Gposer, Composer

Hello, and welcome to my caard. I hope to turn this place into a little hub where you can find most of the work I post on twitter. Most of it is related to my FFXIV OC, Minette and her many (lewd) adventures. I hope you enjoy your stay.

My content is of an adult nature. If you are under the age of 18, if it is illegal to view such material in your jurisdiction, or if it offends you, please do not continue. By continuing on, you consent that it is legal for you to view this content.


"A princess returns from a grueling year-long campaign"

"An odd-looking Raen emerges from the depths of some place in Gyr Abania."

"I'm home..."


Duty Failed Series